On extended, boundless, vibratory and in-the-now sympathy music


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      installations, films, vidéos -
(sound installations, films, videos)
(collaborations with artists)
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(Cette partie du site est en construction. Les liens hypertextes pour chaque entrée seront bientôt actifs. Pour l'instant merci de vous référer à la page des Projets par ordre chronologique)

(This part of the website is underconstruction. Each entry link will be very soon active. For now thank you to read the page Projects listed in chronological order)
énièmes paysages du monde renversé (in-progress) (2015-...)
(w/ David Ryan)
(umpteenth soundscapes of the upturned world, for live streaming open microphones - Locus Sonus)
chœurs invisibles (in-progress)
(w/ David Ryan)
(invisible choirs)
ALAP (2013-...) (in-progress)
(As Loud/Low as Possible - 8-hour music for a dimly-lit large room)
macbeth (2014)
(realtime generated ambient sound, sound installation w/ Dominique Leroy)

eternal refuge (2014)
(3 "soundtracks", sound installation w/ David Ryan)
le monde renversé (adynata & impossibilia) (2013)
(sound & video)
reel sham-rock (2013)
(for take shelter by David Ryan)
the end of the world (2012)
(sound for a film by Emanuel di Melo Pimenta for the streaming museum)
synema (2012-...)
(network audiovisual system and installation, online project for live streaming webcams and microphones)

concert de secondes (2011)
(audiovisual installation, w/ Jean Dupuy)
collective jukebox, archives
machine d'écoute
(1996-2004) (2011-...)
(100-cds listening machine)
asymphonie monoton silence (2011)
(sound and video installation, Christian Vialard - Yves Klein (1947-1949))
orient-express (2010)
(music for a video by Stephan Barron, dvd-remix)
fuurin cinema (2009)
(network audiovisual system and installation, for live streaming webcams and microphones)

(nocinema) interludes (2008-2009)
(network audiovisual system and installation, for live streaming webcams and sound)
locustream audio tardis (2007)
(network audiovisual installation and online app, Locus Sonus, live streaming open microphones)
the flying dutchman (2007)
(music for a video by Michael Sellam)
disklavier (2004)
(compatible, téléchargeable)
(compatible, downloadable - a concert with a piano without instrumentalist, w/ Richard Kongrosian)
la roumanie (2001)
(romania, soundtrack, for a movie by François Magal, production NoFilm)

lascaux2.org (1999)
(e-exhibition, webcams and installations/performances by artists - w/ Paul Devautour)
nocinema.org (1999-...)
(network audiovisual system and installation, for live streaming webcams and sound)
pour JW (1998)
(for JW, electronic music for a video installation by Jürgen Waller)
sadie music (1997)
(midifile music for installations, The Beast Inside Us, 1998-1999, by Claudia Hart)
collecticiel (1997)
(groupware, network system installation for an exhibition curated by Éric Maillet)

april in kilcrohane (1997)
(soundtrack, for a movie by François Magal, production NoFilm)
collage TV
38 émissions de télévision (1997)
(38 fifteen-minutes sound and musical TV-programmes)
collective jukebox
machine d'écoute (1996-2004)
(100-cds listening machine)
collage audiothèque (1996)
(100 audio cassettes with walkmans and headphones)
collage musiques d'appartement (1996)
(sound-system with 100 audio cassettes)

interludes (audiovision) (1996-99)
(pre-nocinema, online programming for "live" webcams and sound loops)
activités (1994)
(actions, for voice, instruments, tapes, for a performance by Jean-Paul Thibeau)
overwritten solos (1994-1999)
(for instrumental solo music and video system)
un passage parisien (1992-1994)
(a parisian passage) (network audio system for an architecture, remote sound sensors & live sound streaming via satellite network)
auditorium pour CB (1992)
(realtime system for sound installation with microphones, resonators, live electronics)

occupations (phonographies) (1986)
(sound diffusion and installation, system for 12 simultaneous tapes)
trio composiciò (à la façon d'une île) (1986)
(composition trio, music for an exhibition by Philippe Bent)
phonographies montées (1985)
(cut phonographies, outdoor and indoor sound installations with tapes, for installations with David Ryan)
Les Avant-Mondes (I, II, III, IV) (1984-1989)
(Foreworlds, tapes & vinyls manipulations and treatments, w/ David Ryan)
le saut, les figurants (1984)
(the leap - the extras, music and 16mm-movie, w/ David Ryan)

l'ultime (1984)
(an ultimate moment, action-exhibition, music for synthesizers and sampled sounds, performances, paintings, w/ David Ryan)
rien n'est jamais tout-à-fait achevé
(nothing is ever over, live painting and noise music performance, w/ David Ryan)


Récit de Michael - Nothing at All
(récit de science-fiction, pour Nothing at All, avant-projet avec David Ryan pour le Palais de Tokyo, Paris)
(Michael's story - Nothing at All. sci-fi story, for the project Nothing at All, conceived with David Ryan, Palais de Tokyo, Paris)
L'Ultime – David Ryan & Jérôme Joy - CapcMusée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, janvier 1984, action-exposition
(An Utimate Action – David Ryan & Jérôme Joy - CapcMusée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, january 1984, an action and an exhibition)

Visiting, Weaving, and Modulating Sonic Expanses and Rythms - Tuning, Improvisation, and Environmental Aesthetics (2014)
Anté-Bruit - Composer le Tout-Audible / Études sur la musique noise (2013)
(pre-noise - composing the all-audible) (paper)
La Musique à Niveau Sonore Élevé - Musique-Environnement (2013)
(loud music & noise - music as an environment)

Sound Art Exhibitions Timeline - (2004-2013)
Historique des expositions et événements en art sonore
George Maciunas : Diagrams (2013)
Henry Flint : Anti-Art (2013)

Allan Kaprow : Yam Festival, Tree (2013)
Œuvres Environnementales
(environmental music)
Auditoria & Audiences
– « Shakkei » 借 景 - The Out in the Open Listening Experience

Fac-Similes, Scores, Texts, etc.
Panorama Musique / Son 1950-2011 (Côte d' Azur, Cure d'Azote) (2011)
(Sound and Music 1950-2011 on the French Riviera)
Collective JukeBox - Archive
(documentation, ressources)

JJ meets JD - Concert de Secondes, Paris-Bordeaux, etc.
(documentation, ressources)
Collective JukeBox, presentation
(documentation, ressources)
Les Dispositifs Coopératifs – Collective JukeBox, Lascaux2.org (2003)
(Art Co-op Systems : Collective JukeBox, Lascaux2.org)

Ryan & Joy / Joy & Ryan, un projet collectif 1982-1985
(Ryan & Joy, Joy & Ryan, A Collective Project 1982-85)
Collective JukeBox
Overwritten Solos, un principe de réalité (1999)
archives : art audio, art sonore, musique, etc.
(Overwritten Solos, to fall in reality)

(documentation, ressources)
AudioLab revue (1999-2003)
archives : art audio, art sonore, musique, etc.
(archives : audio art, sound art, music, etc.)
Explorations Sonores
(sonic explorations)

Ni Chair, ni Poisson
– Choisir la Subversion
(Neither Fish nor Fowl - Choose Subversion)
(paper & video)

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http://jeromejoy.org/ — Hosted by nujus.net NYC since 2007, and by The Thing NYC (between 1995-2007 — Thanks to Wolfgang Staehle and the Thing team).