On extended, boundless, vibratory and in-the-now sympathy music


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  musique internet
& performances streaming
(net-music works & performances)
      → [voir la liste complète des œuvres instrumentales et électroniques ]
→ [access to the complete list of instrumental & electronic music works]

(Cette partie du site est en construction. Les liens hypertextes pour chaque entrée seront bientôt actifs. Pour l'instant merci de vous référer à la page des Projets par ordre chronologique)

(This part of the website is underconstruction. Each entry link will be very soon active. For now thank you to read the page Projects listed in chronological order)
énièmes paysages du monde renversé (in-progress) (2015-...)
(umpteenth soundscapes of the upturned world, network sound diffusion with streaming open microphones)
balise (in-progress) (2015-...)
(mobile phone app)
(network music performance)
sobralasolas ! (2007-2012)
(network music performances)

synema (2012-...)
(network audiovisual system)
pim improv (2012)
(network music performance)
pim tk (2010)
(network music performance)
pim bl (2009)
(network music performance)
(nocinema) interludes (2008-2009)
(network audiovisual system)

netrooms (2008-2010)
(instrumentalist for a project of network music performances by Pedro Rebelo)
pim r2r (2008)
(network music performance)
locustream audio tardis (2007)
(Locus Sonus, network open microphones)
nocinema audiomix / radiomix
(network audio system)
pizMO - nim (2003)
(network music performance)

picNIC (2001-2002)
(network music performance)
radiomatic (2001-2003)
(network streaming audio system)
pacjap (2000-2003)
(network music performances)
forum hub (1999-2002)
(The Thing, NYC, forum about network practices)
nocinema.org (1999-...)
(network audiovisual system)

compact (1998)
(network & sonification audio system)
bibliothèque portable des langues parlées (1997)
(spoken languages portable & network library, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Unesco)
collecticiel (1997)
(groupware, network system)
motifs (1997)
(patterns) (network music performance)
pianospirale (1997)
(network midi audio system)

interludes / audiovision
(network audiovisual system)
vocales (1996-1998)
(network vocal synthesis system)
habitation (1995-1997)
(network system)
midiphonics (1995-1997)
(network midi audio system)
chemins pour n flûtes (1993-1994)
(lanes for n networked flute players)

un passage parisien (1992-1994)
(a parisian passage, network audio system for an architecture, remote sound sensors & live sound streaming via satellite network)


les auditoriums internet
phd research
(internet auditoriums)
introduction à une histoire de la télémusique
(introduction to a history of network music performances)
Circuits d'Écoute -
Une Époque Circuitée - Réflexion sur l’organologie des arts en réseau : Le passage de l’Internet à: un état musical - (2010)
A Circuited Era (About an organology of networked art : the Internet as a musical space) (paper)

WJ-S (2008-...)
(participation to the Anne Roquigny's project) (software and a flexible public device for web performances)
L'Écoute à Distance
(Distance Listening)
The Thing (1991-2007)
(A brief history of an art server in NYC) - (with Gisela Ehrenfried)

(micro-fondements pour une émancipation sociale et artistique)
(with Silvia Arguello) (2005)
(micro-groundworks of a social and artistic emancipation)
labotext - Construction de Situations Collectives d'Invention
(Setting Collective Situations of Invention)
Les Dispositifs Coopératifs
(Art Co-op Systems)

(participations to network music performances)
Net Audio Projects
Hyper- & Metamusique,
Programmation, Composition
(Hyper- & Metamusic,
Programmings, Music Composition)


Archives (sites web)
(websites - archives)

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1995/2020 — Powered by LionWiki 3.1.1 — Thanks to Adam Zivner — webmaster & webdesign : Jérôme Joy — Author : Jérôme Joy — Any material is under copyleft © with in-line & in-text attributions —
http://jeromejoy.org/ — Hosted by nujus.net NYC since 2007, and by The Thing NYC (between 1995-2007 — Thanks to Wolfgang Staehle and the Thing team).