Research Studies/Études & Recherche : — Research —
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NMSAT — Networked Music & Sound Art TimelineA Panoramic View of Practices & Techniques Related to Sound Transmission and Distance :Archeology, Genealogy and Sound Anthropology of the Internet Auditoriums and the Distance Listening |
A Locus Sonus project (2008-2012) — Access to the database : (not yet complete) |
Entry structure (version 1.0 text) (2008)(Edit)
1/ intitulé :
- Year __ Title, subtitle, (english translation), author(s), organization + location + date + (COUNTRY)
1.1/ variantes d’intitulés (voir aussi plus bas)
- Year __ Title --> œuvre non référencée dans la musique en réseau et dans l’art audio en réseau
- Year __ Title --> référence historique, technologique ou autres champs de référence
- Year __ (?) --> référence sans titre
- Year __ « Title of the book » --> titre d’un ouvrage (livre, article, essais, etc.)
- Year __ « Title of the book » --> titre d’un ouvrage dont l’objet n’est pas la musique en réseau
ou l’art audio en réseau
2/ contenu (entre parenthèses, style italic, langage de référence: anglais) :
(english text 1. “source quotation”.
« translated author(s) quotation ».
« original author(s) quotation ».
[credits & source’s reference 1]
(publication & bibliographical reference 1).
english text 2. [credits & source’s reference 2] etc.
english text 3 etc.)
(text in another language. [
credits & source’s reference])
nota : si il y a plusieurs descriptions référencées, elles sont listées successivement,
chacune étant suivi par les références des sources qui la concerne, en respectant les différents types
de guillemets et les deux types de parenthèses (parenthèses normales pour les références bibliographiques
et liées à la publication de l’article cité, square brackets pour les mentions (credits) des auteurs)
3/ liens sur Internet :
web url1 web url2 etc.
Upcoming structure of an entry (version 2.0 database PHP/mySQL) (2012)(Edit)
Online editing form :
Year : __ , bold regular
Title : title of the project, generic title, title of the paper (, bold regular)
Subtitle : , regular
Title translation in english : (, regular)
Authors : artist, engineer, writer, ... or group/collective
(for REFERENCE PAPERS, ordered list of authors)
, regular
Organisation or complementary info :
(for instance : museum, gallery, music center, festival, radio, etc.
which hosts or produced the work; or exact date)
, regular
Entry’s type :
toggle: by default related to networked audio & music --> (bold regular)
toggle : technology & science developments -> (regular)
toggle : book or a published paper or a concept -> (« », bold regular )
toggle : not related to networked audio & music -> (, italic)
Description : (2/3 lines < 100 characters) (dedicated to graphical interfaces, for instance)
(when no Title, Authors, Complementary info -> put directly in Content)
Content : italic
- (no limitation of characters’ number ?),
- the second part of the content can be in non-english language,
- if there is no english version, the entry can be in non-english language, add a toggle : to translate
- for including pictures, movies, and soundfiles (to put data on website)
Quotation :
excerpt of original content by the author (mainly for Literature’s entry)
« regular »
excerpt of an original content of a source
“ regular “
Credits :
author(s) of the source
[ ] italic
Publishing / bibliographical reference :
( ) italic
- can automatically create an entry in REFERENCE PAPERS
Tags :
decided by the article’s author
optional feature depending on interfaces’ requirements and on indexing mode of the internal searchbot
Category : Music, SoundArt, Sciences & Technology, Literature, Theory
Bibliography :
reference related to the source or to the content
lists of related books and papers
(can automatically create an entry in REFERENCE PAPERS)
Webography :
list of urls
Moderation rules and Editing privileges
Registered user (board and spontaneous writers after registering) :
• can edit an entry after its publishing
- correction (content)
- completion (content)
- add annotations and comments (content) (= yellow sticker notes)
• can create an entry
• can propose to delete a entry (or tu put an entry aside)
• can propose the creation of a category
Readers :
- can add a comment separated to the article content
- can contact the author of the article
- a comment made by a reader can generate a new article with the agreement of the board
Moderation (by the board and registered users)
- of the content of a new entry (forum / mailing-list)
- of the publishing of a comment (forum / mailing-list)