On extended, boundless, vibratory and in-the-now sympathy music


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{small}'''Research Studies/''Études & Recherche'' : — ^[[Studies]^] — ^[[Studies - Multiple Instrument Works / Œuvres à Instruments Multiples ou Égaux|Studies]^] —'''{/small}
<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD ALIGN="center">
<H4>neuvième partie / <i>Part 9</i></H4>


|t {cap}{small}— '''[Part 1 — Premières œuvres / Early works|PENDULUM]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part2 — Oeuvres pour bande / Tape pieces (1964-65)|PENDULUM2]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part3 — Slow Motion Sound (1967)|PENDULUM3]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part 4 — My Name Is (1967)|PENDULUM4]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part 5 — Reed Phase, Piano Phase, Violin Phase (1967)|PENDULUM5]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part 6 — Pendulum Music (1968)|PENDULUM6]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part 7 — Pulse Music (1969)|PENDULUM7]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Part 8 — Clapping Music (1972)|PENDULUM8]'''{/small}{br}---- {small}— '''[Documentation Sources|PENDULUM9]'''{/small}{/cap}|t |t |t |t |t |t [../files/articles/reich/reich_by_rick_gold.jpg|../files/articles/reich/reich_by_rick_gold_big.jpg]|
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* '''[Ross Cole — Fun, Yes, but Music? Steve Reich and the San Francisco Bay Area’s Cultural Nexus, 1962–65|https://www.academia.edu/1855279/Fun_Yes_but_Music_Steve_Reich_and_the_San_Francisco_Bay_Area_s_Cultural_Nexus_1962_65]''' - Journal of the Society for American Music, 6, pp 315-­348, (2012) - DOI:10.1017/ S175219631200020X
* '''[Ross Cole — Illusion / Anti-Illusion : The Music of Steve Reich in Context, 1965-1968|https://core.ac.uk/download/files/139/1145668.pdf]''' - A dissertation submitted for the degree of Master of Arts by Research in Musicology, University of York, (2010)
* '''[Ross Cole — Steve Reich and the Visual Arts in New York City, 1966–1968|https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264352494_'Sound_Effects_OK_Music'_Steve_Reich_and_the_Visual_Arts_in_New_York_City_1966-1968]''' - Twentieth-Century Music / Volume 11 / Issue 02 / (September 2014), pp 217-244, (2014) - DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1478572214000085
* '''[Ryan Scott Ebright — Echoes of the Avant-Garde in American Minimalist Opera|https://cdr.lib.unc.edu/indexablecontent/uuid:c956d5e3-68e9-40ad-a79b-aab6e901e27e]''' - A dissertation submitted to the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Music, Chapel Hill, (2014)
* '''[Jérôme Baillet - Flèche du temps et processus dans les musiques après 1965|https://jeromebaillet.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/baillet_flechedutemps.pdf]''' - In Les Cahiers de l'IRCAM: Les Écritures du Temps, (2001), pp. 155-216, Éd. L’Harmattan.
* '''[Denis Laborde -  « Sculpter la voix, décentrer l'écoute : l'opéra selon Steve Reich »|http://www.cairn.info/revue-le-francais-aujourd-hui-2005-3-page-93.htm]''' - In Le français aujourd'hui 3/2005 (n° 150) , p. 93-101, (2005) - DOI : 10.3917/lfa.150.0093
* '''[Ali Momeni -  African Polyrhythmics and Steve Reich’s Drumming|http://alimomeni.net/files/documents/momeni_Reich-African-Polythythms.pdf]''' - (2001)
* '''[Mark Alburger - Steve Reich - Early Phase|http://www.21st-centurymusic.com/ML210404.pdf]''' - San Anselmo, CA : 21ST-CENTURY MUSIC, Volume 11, Number 4, (April 2004), pp. 2-9.
* '''[Sumanth Gopinath - Composer Looks East. Steve Reich and Discourse on Non-Western Music|http://pdfproc.lib.msu.edu/?file=/DMC/African%20Journals/pdfs/glendora%20review/vol3no3-4/graa003003-4022.pdf]''' - Glendora Review : African Quarterly on the Arts - Vol. 03 No. 3&4, pp.134-135, (2004).
* '''[Martin Scherzinger, Curious Intersections, Uncommon Magic : Steve Reich’s It’s Gonna Rain|http://martinscherzinger.org/wp-content/uploads/Curious-Intersections-Uncommon-Magic-Steve-Reichs-Its-Gonna-Rain.pdf]''', In Current Musicology, Nos. 79 & 80 (2005), pp. 207-244.
* '''[Sean Atkinson - Canons, Augmentations, and Their Meaning in Two Works by Steve Reich|http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.11.17.1/mto.11.17.1.atkinson.html]''' - MTO Journal of Society for Music Theory, Volume 17, Number 1, (April 2011).
* '''[Roger Sutherland - Steve Reich|http://media.hyperreal.org/zines/est/articles/reich.html]''' - originally appeared in EST #3 and in Roger Sutherland's book, New Perspectives in Music, Sun Tavern Fields (Pub.), (1994).
* '''[Joshua David Jurkovskis Plocher - Presenting the New: Battles around New Music in New York in the Seventies|https://conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/handle/11299/144281/Plocher_umn_0130E_13377.pdf?sequence=1]''' - A Dissertation SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, December 2012.
* '''[Daniel Tones - An Interview with Russell Hartenberger on the Music of Steve Reich|http://www.danieltones.com/Writings_files/PAS%2520Hartenberger%2520article.doc]''' - (?).
* '''[Richard Glover - Minimalism, Technology and Electronic Music|http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/16269/3/GloverMinmRichard_GLOVER_New_version.pdf]''' - In : Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Post-Minimalist Music. Ashgate, (2013), pp. 161-180 - ISBN 9781409435495
* '''[Robert Davidson - Time and motion: an interview with Steve Reich|http://www.academia.edu/20183560/Time_and_motion_an_interview_with_Steve_Reich]''' - Tuesday, March 2nd, (1999).
* '''[Klaas Willem Franciscus Van Der Linden - Searching for Harmony in All the Wrong Places Steve Reich’s Music for String Orchestra (1961)|http://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/179325/Master%27s_Thesis_Klaas_van_der_Linden.pdf]''' - A Thesis Submitted to the Research Institute for History and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University, (2010).
* '''[Will Jung - The Aural Illusions within Violin Phase|https://www.academia.edu/7445829/The_Aural_Illusions_Within_Steve_Reichs_Violin_Phase_]''' - research paper, ?.
* '''[Robert Schwartz - Music as a Gradual Process Part II|http://www.ime.unicamp.br/~maia/MS106/Aula%202/Rhythm/Clapping%20Music_Steve%20Reich/Reich%20papers/gradual%20process%20music%202.pdf]''' - In Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 20, N° 1/2, (Autumn 1981 - Summer 1982), pp. 225-286.
* '''Keith Potter — Four Musical Minimalists : La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass''' - (Music in the Twentieth Century series) - Cambridge : Cambridge Univerity Press, (2000) - ISBN : 9780521015011.
* '''Johan Girard - Répétitions : l'esthétique musicale de Terry Riley, Steve Reich et Philip Glass''' - Paris : Presses De La Sorbonne Nouvelle, (2010) - ISBN-10: 2878544943, ISBN-13: 978-2878544947.
* '''[Johan Girard - Les répétitifs, la machine et l’instrument|https://methodos.revues.org/2527]''' - In Methodos, Savoirs et Textes, N°11 L'instrument de musique - Approches esthétiques et ontologiques, Sous la direction de Bernard Sève, 2011.
* '''[David Allen Chapman - Collaboration, Presence, and Community : The Philip Glass Ensemble in Downtown New York, 1966-1976|http://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2098&context=etd]''' - A dissertation presented to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Washington University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis, 2013.
* '''Lambert Dousson - Politique de la voix archivée - Sur les opéras vidéo documentaires de Steve Reich''' - Nouvelle revue d’esthétique 2013/2 (n° 12).
* '''[Hartmut Obendorf — Minimalism : Designing Simplicity|http://digilib.stmik-banjarbaru.ac.id/data/100.%20Other/2009%20Minimalism%20Designing%20Simplicity.pdf]''' - (Human-Computer Interaction Series) - Springer Verlag London, (2009).
* '''[Adi Louria-Hayon — Folding Spaces and Porous Bodies : Sound and Sight in Bruce Nauman's Oeuvre|https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/bitstream/1807/68954/1/Louria-Hayon_Adi_M_201306_PhD_thesis.pdf]''' - A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Art University of Toronto, Adi Louria-Hayon, (2013).
* '''[Gregg Kowalsky — A Socio-Political Analysis of Steve Reich's Early Works (1963-1966)|https://www.academia.edu/3577357/A_Socio-Political_Analysis_of_Steve_Reichs_Early_Works_1963-1966_]''' - (2004).
* '''David W. Bernstein, John Rockwell  — The San Francisco Tape Music Center: 1960s Counterculture and the Avant-garde''' - Berkeley : University of California Press/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, (2008) - ISBN: 9780520256170.
* '''Edward Strickland — Minimalism : origins''' - Bloomington and Indianapolis: University of Indiana Press, (1993) - ISBN: 978-0-253-21388-4.
* '''Steve Reich — Writings about Music''' - The Nova Scotia Series - Source Materials of the Contemporary Arts - Halifax : The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design & New York : New York University Press, (1974) - ISBN 0-919616-02-X.

!!!Video Documentaires / Documentaries
* '''[Great Performances - Public Television Stations — Steve Reich - New Musical Language|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbXQThfR5K0]''' — 1987
* '''[ITV1 - The South Bank Show — Steve Reich|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_pR1sHHeQU&list=PLA0714B1A1891A583]''' — 2006
* '''[A London Sinfonietta production in association with Sound and Music — Steve Reich and Music for 18 Musicians|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkL5Nnw2bYc]''' - 2011
* '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Full programme)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVxI4HJ3CMo&list=PL6g4R-FZcygU4FUQhQe0D5EEJ4Bbpc1S5]'''
** '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Part1)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVxI4HJ3CMo]'''
** '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Part2)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZccU1RwHDYs]'''
** '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Part3)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnsTb62E0Yg]'''
** '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Part4)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6JyQdTdxPU]'''
** '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Part5)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kR0DZRKQFY]'''
** '''[Arte channel (VOSTR) - Steve Reich - City Life (Part6)|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kR0DZRKQFY]'''

!!!Audio documents
* '''[1970 - KPFA-FM - Ode to Gravity : Survival of the Fiddle - Music by Steve Reich (Violin Phase) & Michael Sahl  — Jun. 3, 1970|https://archive.org/details/OTG_1970_06_03]'''
* '''[1970 - KPFA-FM - UC Berkeley University Museum — Interview Steve Reich and John Gibson — Nov. 6, 1970|https://archive.org/details/AM_1970_11_06]'''
* '''[1970 - KPFA-FM - UC Berkeley University Museum — Concert Steve Reich — Nov. 7, 1970|https://archive.org/details/ReichBerkeleyMuseum]'''
* '''[1973 - KPFA-FM - Ode to Gravity : Joanna Brouk interviews Steve Reich  — Dec. 12, 1973|https://archive.org/details/OTG_1973_12_12]'''
<b><A HREF="https://archive.org/details/audio?and[]=Steve%20Reich" target="_blank">Radio Archives - KPFA-FM</A></b>

'''[Lire la suite - première partie / Continue reading - part1 - Premières œuvres / Early works|PENDULUM]'''




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