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[<-- PROJE^[C^]TS|Projects] ---- ---- {html} <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="BOTTOM" width="185"> <small> <A HREF="index.php?page=ProjectsChrono" style="color:black;"> → [voir la liste complète des œuvres instrumentales et électroniques ]</A><hr><A HREF="index.php?page=ProjectsChrono" style="color:black;"><i>→ [access to the complete list of instrumental & electronic music works]</i></A> </small> <!-- <A HREF="index.php?page=Projects"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/musicinstru8.jpg" width="183" height="239" style="max-width: 60%;height: auto;" class="arrondie2"></A><br> --> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/musicnet.jpg" width="183" height="239" style="max-width: 100%;height: auto;" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>musique internet<br>& performances streaming<br> (1995-2010)<hr> <i>(net-music works & performances)</i></small> --> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="BOTTOM" width="185"> <!-- <A HREF="index.php?page=Projects"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/musicradio3.jpg" width="183" height="239" style="max-width: 60%;height: auto;" class="arrondie2"></A><br> --> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/musicinstru.jpg" width="183" height="239" style="max-width: 100%;height: auto;" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>installations, films, vidéos -<br> collaborations<br> (1982-2015)<hr><i>(sound installations, films, videos)<br>(collaborations with artists)</i></small> --> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <small>interprétations - <br> instrumentiste<br> (2008-2015)<hr><i>(instrumentalist for other composers)</i></small> --> <small>ensembles -<br> projets collectifs<br> (1979-2014)<hr><i>(ensembles & bands)</small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <small> <A HREF="index.php?page=ProjectsChrono" style="color:black;"> → [voir la liste complète des œuvres instrumentales et électroniques ]</A><hr><A HREF="index.php?page=ProjectsChrono" style="color:black;"><i>→ [access to the complete list of instrumental & electronic music works]</i></A> </small> --> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/musicbands1.jpg" width="183" height="239" style="max-width: 100%;height: auto;" class="arrondie2"><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> {/html} ---- ---- {html} <TABLE BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <SMALL><SPAN style="color:purple;">(Cette partie du site est en construction. Les liens hypertextes pour chaque entrée seront bientôt actifs. Pour l'instant merci de vous référer à la page des <A HREF="index.php?page=ProjectsChrono">Projets par ordre chronologique</A>)<br><br><i>(This part of the website is underconstruction. Each entry link will be very soon active. For now thank you to read the page <A HREF="index.php?page=ProjectsChrono">Projects listed in chronological order</A>)</i></SPAN></SMALL> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_pizmob.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>pizMO (2012-...)<br> — <i>harsh noise trio<br>(Christophe Havard, Jérôme Joy, Julien Ottavi)</i></small> --> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_jjel1b.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>JJEL (2012)<br> — <i>mavericks duo<br>(Jérôme Joy, Éric Letourneau)</i></small> --> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_pcp.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>PCP (2014-...)<br>Pôle de Création Partagée / Apo33<br> — <i>artists' shared-studios<br>(Régine Fertillet, Apo33, and artists)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_quartetb.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>percussion quartet (2014)<br> — <i>(Bruno Lemaître, Jean-Christophe Feldhandler, Jérôme Joy, Matéo Guyon)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN="2" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_onsembleb.jpg" width="456" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>ONsemble (2014-...)<br> — <i>(instrumental ensemble)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN="2" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_no3bbb.jpg" width="456" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>NoEnsemble (2013)<br> — <i>(instrumental ensemble)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="6" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/mxprmntl3b.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>MXPRMNTL (2013-...)<br> — <i>drone trio<br>(Christophe Havard, Jérôme Joy, Anthony Taillard)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_pizmob.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>pizMO (2012-...)<br> — <i>harsh noise trio<br>(Christophe Havard, Jérôme Joy, Julien Ottavi)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_jjel1b.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>JJEL (2012)<br> — <i>mavericks duo<br>(Jérôme Joy, Éric Letourneau)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_jokttjjegb.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>JOKTTJJEG (2012)<br> — <i>noise quartet<br>(Julien Ottavi, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Jérôme Joy, Emmanuelle Gibello)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_arson.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>arson philharmonic orchestra (2009)<br> — <i>for rascali klepitoire by John Oswald</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_netrooms.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>netrooms (2008-2010)<br> — <i>network music performance ensemble<br>(Pedro Rebelo, Alain Renaud, Pauline Oliveros, Owen Green, Jérôme Joy, Georg Hajdu, Windfried Ritsch, Franziska Schroeder, Max Stein, Ken Fields, Pedro Lopez, Dan Wilcox, Michael Zbyszynski, Andrea Szigetvari)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_sbrlsls.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>sobralasolas ! (2007-2012)<br> — <i>remote opera<br>Caroline Bouissou, DinahBird, Björn Eriksson, Emmanuelle Gibello, Jérôme Joy, Kaffe Matthews, Gregory Whitehead, & guests)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_pim3.jpg" width="183" height="239" style="max-width: 100%;height: auto;" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>pim improvisations (2007-...)<br> — <i>(Jérôme Joy, w/ Kaffe Matthews, Emmanuelle Gibello, Eric Leonardson, Julien Ottavi, Taniguchi Akihiko, Christophe Charles, Magali Babin, Pauline Oliveros, Toma Gouband, etc.)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_joystinckler.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>joystinckler (2005)<br> — <i>midifiler music skiffle band<br>(Christophe Acker, Jérôme Joy, Peter Sinclair)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_locus2.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>locus sonus (2004-/...)<br> — <i>audio lab research<br>(Jérôme Joy, Peter Sinclair, Anne Roquigny, and al.)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_tiramizu2.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>tiramizu (2003)<br> — <i>cd label & artel<br>(Yannick Dauby, Jérôme Joy, Christian Vialard)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_picnic1.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>picnic (2001-2002)<br> — <i>cybernetics & music<br>(Formanex ensemble, Fabrice Gallis, Jérôme Joy)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_pizmo20014bb.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>pizMO (2001-2003)<br> — <i>noise trio<br>(Yannick Dauby, Jérôme Joy, Julien Ottavi)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_radiomatic2.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>radiomatic (2001-2003)<br> — <i>franco-german project<br>(Jérôme Joy, Ralf Homann, and radiostudio.org Bauhaus Universität Weimar)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_octopus.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>octopus (2000)<br> — <i>about radio<br>(Jérôme Joy, Gregory Whitehead, Allen S. Weiss, Chris Migone)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_pacjap3.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>pacjap (2000-2003)<br> — <i>franco-japanese band<br>(Jérôme Joy, Itoken Kenji Ito, Kyoko, Peter Sinclair, Suguru Yamaguchi, Takashi Kojima, Colette Tron, Renaud Vercey, Tadahiko Yokogawa, et al.)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_lascaux1.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>lascaux2.org (1999)<br> — <i>e-exhibition, webcams and installations/performances by artists<br>(w/ Paul Devautour)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_nocinema.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>nocinema.org (1999-...)<br> — <i>network audiovisual online system<br>(Jérôme Joy, Magali Babin, Dinah Bird, Jocelyn Robert, Alain Michon, Emmanuelle Gibello, Chantal Dumas, Erin Sexton, Christophe Charles, Luc Kerléo)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_forumhub.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>forum hub (1999-2002)<br>— <i>about musical and sound practices, The Thing, NYC</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_4912.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>491.org (1998-2001)<br>— <i>autonomous art server for art students</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/thing3.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>the thing (1997-2007)<br>— <i>artivist server, NYC</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_collecticiel.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>collecticiel (1997)<br> — <i>groupware, network system installation for an exhibition<br>(Éric Maillet, Éric Arlix, Olivier Blanckart, Philippe Cazal, Ariane Combe-Duchateau, Éric Duyckaerts, Richard Fauguet, Jérôme Joy, Luc Kerléo, Christian Vialard, Ian Wilson)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_collectiveradio2.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>collective radio (1997-2000)<br>— <i>radio programs w/ 21 artists</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_ateliers.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>les ateliers (1997-1998)<br>— <i>instrumental ensemble</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_jukebox2.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>collective jukebox (1996-2004)<br>— <i>international project<br>(557 artists)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_collage.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>collage (1996-1999)<br> — <i>pre-collective jukebox</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP"width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_habitation.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>habitation (1995-1997)<br> — <i>online studio for musicians<br>(Ned Bouhalassa, Steve Bradley, Warren Burt, Paul Demarinis, Kristie Drew, Karlheinz Essl, Ken Field, Mike Frengel, Gilles Grand, Christophe Havel, Jérôme Joy, Daniel Leduc, Philippe Legoff, Richard Lerman, George E. Lewis, Alvin Lucier, Yuko Nexus6, John Oswald, Emanuel dm Pimenta, Don Ritter, Jocelyn Robert, Andreas Rodler, Claude Schryer, Paul ba Steenhuysen, Gregory Whitehead, Richard WIndeyer)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_proxima4.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>proxima centauri (1990-...)<br>— <i>instrumental ensemble</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_ryanjoy.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>ryan & joy (1982-1985) → (2012-...)<br>— <i>art projects</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="10"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ensemble_jugjug2.jpg" width="183" height="239" class="arrondie2"><br> <small>jug-jug (1979-1982)<br> — <i>post-punk instrumental band</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="20"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="50"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="10" HEIGHT="100"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> {/html} ---- ---- !!!! RESSOURCES & PROJETS AFFILIÉS / ''RELATED PROJECTS & RESOURCES'' ---- {html} <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <A HREF="index.php?page=Bands"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/publi_bands.jpg" width="115" height="150" style="float:left;" class="arrondie2"></A> <div style="margin-left:125px;"><small>Bands<br> (2013)<hr><i>(a photographic series of famous bands)<br>(studies)</i></small></div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <A HREF="index.php?page=Texts2007#jukebox2004"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/jukebox6.jpg" width="115" height="150" style="float:left;" class="arrondie2"></A> <div style="margin-left:125px;"><small>Collective JukeBox, presentation<br> (2003)<br>(documentation, ressources)<hr><i>(resources)</i></small></div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <A HREF="index.php?page=Texts2007#ciph"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/jukebox5.jpg" width="115" height="150" style="float:left;" class="arrondie2"></A> <div style="margin-left:125px;"><small> Les Dispositifs Coopératifs – Collective JukeBox, Lascaux2.org (2003) <hr><i> (Art Co-op Systems : Collective JukeBox, Lascaux2.org)<br> (paper)</i></small></div> </TD> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="5" HEIGHT="50"><hr> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <A HREF="index.php?page=Texts2007#ryanjoy"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/ryanjoy.jpg" width="115" height="150" style="float:left;" class="arrondie2"></A> <div style="margin-left:125px;"><small>Ryan & Joy / Joy & Ryan, un projet collectif 1982-1985<br> (2002)<hr><i>(Ryan & Joy, Joy & Ryan, A Collective Project 1982-85)<br>(paper)</i></small> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <A HREF="index.php?page=Texts#nocinema"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/nocinema2.jpg" width="115" height="150" style="float:left;" class="arrondie2"></A> <div style="margin-left:125px;"><small>Nocinema.org<br> (1999-...)<br>(documentation, ressources)<hr><i>(resources)</i></small></div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="5%"> </TD> <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="185"> <!-- <A HREF="index.php?page=Texts2007#rechson"><IMG SRC="../files/imgproj/publiexplorations.jpg" width="115" height="150" style="float:left;" class="arrondie2"></A> <div style="margin-left:125px;"><small>Explorations Sonores <br> (1996)<hr><i>(sonic explorations)<br>(paper)</i></small></div> --> </TD> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="5" HEIGHT="50"><hr> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> {/html}
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