english version             


COLLECTIVE RADIO est un projet international. L'objectif est de questionner le support radiophonique à partir de n'importe quelle technique, et surtout d'ouvrir des espaces de création sur la radiodiffusion. Ce projet réalise des programmes et des actions qui sont proposés aux radios internationales.

Collective Radio est un ensemble de programmes radiophoniques et dont chaque émission a un format précis. Chaque émission comprend l'invitation de un ou plusieurs artistes et musiciens dont le travail met en jeu la condition radiophonique et la diffusion de son projet. Collective Radio est un espace qui se veut régulier à l'expérimentation artistique et musicale, tant nous savons que le territoire radiophonique a évacué celle-ci. Si l'Internet a pris une grande place pour l'innovation artistique, le medium radiophonique ne doit pas être oublié, tout en connaissant sa nature rhizomatique à l'image du réseau électronique. Ce territoire doit aussi s'ouvrir à l'innovation et doit être réinvesti. La radio garde son aspect précis , son caractère inégalable d'ubiquité et à la fois sa nature presque aléatoire (allumer la radio est souvent une activité d'accompagnement) pouvant provoquer miraculeusement une attention et une écoute, contrairement aux autres technologies de la communication. A ce propos, voici un extrait d'une discussion entre Gregory Whitehead et moi-même concernant le projet Collective Radio:

GW:In the age of internet, radio becomes more compelling, in my view, because of its inherent randomness and ubiquity, as opposed to the point/push aesthetic of netmedia.
JJ: The radio is more wild than internet (without talking about this kind of sound materiality more sensitive with radio than internet because of the dawning remote control technique).Internet brings head (mental attraction), eyes (for the screen), hands (for typing), legs (because you are sitting). You navigate on Internet because it's an activity and you search something you want (the role of attraction of the information) Radio purposes the possibility of listening or to be occupied or to be .... -in french we call it "etre entre deux eaux" !!!- to let himself drift. Impossible to drift with Internet (in the multimedia way), only to be drowned.
GW: exactly my thought as well ---- and I am most definitely a drifter, on the reception end as well as transmission.

Les opérations menées par Collective Radio peuvent être de différentes natures de programmes: programmes monographiques, collectifs, émissions-types, émissions en direct,jusqu'à l'utilisation des dernières techniques radiophoniques (radio numériques, programmations automatiques, etc.). L'utilisation de la communication radio permet une matérialité (sonore) pas encore accessible sur les autres mediums "de transit" et permet de jouer sur une historicité de ce medium à l'encontre des autres technologies de la communication. Toutefois un programme peut très bien mêlé le medium radiophonique à un autre tel le WWW ou la télévision ou bien encore le téléphone.

En 2005, Collective Radio propose un nouveau format radiophonique pour la construction de programmes : le "feature" (documentaire sonore / fiction). La première série s'intitule "Communiqués" et a été réalisée à partir de prises de son et d'interviews suite à une résidence de Jérôme Joy à Alexandrie (Communiqués entretenus - à propos d'Alexandrie).
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             French version             


Collective Radio is a radio program as a whole, in which each broadcast programme has a precise framework. Each broadcast programme launches an invitation to one or various artists and composers whose the work stakes the radio context and the broadcasting of his/her project.
Collective Radio is a space which wants to favour the artistic and musical experimentations, towards such a degree that the radio territory had evacuate these last years. If Internet is taking a great importance for the artistic investigations, the radio medium doesn't have to be forgot, because its rhizomatic nature can be similar as the electronic networks. This territory must be (re-)open to the innovation and must be reinvested. About Collective Radio, here is an excerpt of a discussion between Gregory Whitehead and me:

GW:In the age of internet, radio becomes more compelling, in my view, because of its inherent randomness and ubiquity, as opposed to the point/push aesthetic of netmedia.
JJ: The radio is more wild than internet (without talking about this kind of sound materiality more sensitive with radio than internet because of the dawning remote control technique).Internet brings head (mental attraction), eyes (for the screen), hands (for typing), legs (because you are sitting). You navigate on Internet because it's an activity and you search something you want (the role of attraction of the information) Radio purposes the possibility of listening or to be occupied or to be .... -in french we call it "etre entre deux eaux" !!!- to let himself drift. Impossible to drift with Internet (in the multimedia way), only to be drowned.
GW: exactly my thought as well ---- and I am most definitely a drifter, on the reception end as well as transmission.

The "operations" led by Collective Radio can take various natures of programs: monographical programs, collective ones, program-standards, live broadcasts, til the using of the last technologies (digital radio, automatic programmings, and so on...). The use of radio communication allows a kind of (sound) materiality not today available with the other "transit" (or "transfer") medias and allows to play with the historicity of this medium contrary to the other new communication technologies. However a collective radio program may use the radio associated to other media as the web or television or maybe the telephone.

In 2005, Collective Radio is proposing a new radiophonic framework : the "feature" (sound documentary / fiction). The title of the first series is "Communiqués" and was realized from sound recordings and interviews made by Jerome Joy after his artistic residency at Alexandria in Egypt.

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